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  • We believe the Bible is the God’s Word and the ultimate authority by which we live. That worship is our primary response to God’s love: the truth remains the same but our styles of celebration are to be culturally relevant. That it is through a total faith commitment to Jesus that we are transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit so that we live close to Him and grow to be more like Him. In this way we are able to enjoy lives that are meaningful, satisfying and productive. That our main purpose is to be a loving people who share the Good News with others so that they know Jesus as Savior and follow Him as Lord. That God calls us to welcome and encourage people at all stages of their spiritual journey. That God calls us to be in loving, caring and authentic relationships in all areas of our lives. That learning, life change, growth, care and ministry occur best in the context of small groups. That each member is to view himself as a believer. 


  • We believe being served) and also as an employee (serving others)

That every Christian is uniquely gifted by God the Holy Spirit with personality, talents and financial resources which are to be used to further God’s kingdom and guide, help, and encourage others. That leadership development is essential for the growth and multiplication of the church.  that the best way to communicate the gospel throughout the world is through strategic church planting. That excellence honors God and inspires people.


  • We believe that God has revealed Himself and His will to us in His written Word. We believe that God is one in His being or essence, but within the one being of God there are three persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.


  • We believe that all people are separated from God because they transgress His laws and none of us can make ourselves acceptable to God by trying our best to live a good life. Being good or being religious cannot take away our sin problem.


  • We believe that God in His love his provided the only way for people to be forgiven their sins and receive the gift of eternal life with God. This way is through Jesus Christ, God the Son, who became a man so that He could go to the cross and there allow the Father to place our sins on Him and then punish Him in our place. Jesus took the wrath of God we deserve and He died. After paying for all of our sins, He came back from the dead overcoming both sin and death. It is only through the finished work of Christ that God is able to forgive sinners and accept them into His family.


  • We believe that those who recognize their sin problem and trust Jesus alone to save them from eternal condemnation are forgiven their sins and given the gift of eternal life with God.


  • We believe that God the Holy Spirit comes to live within each follower of Christ to teach, guide, gift, enable and empower him or her to live God’s kind of life. Thus, true believers follow Christ and they grow more and more in their willingness and ability to love God and love others. Faith Temple of Boca.




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